Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 16th at 7 pm at ShuBrew in Zelienople. Bring a friend and join us to “do good locally”! 

The power of collective giving

When you donate $100 to a charity, you may wonder if you're making a difference.  But when 100+ women donate $100 at the same time, we raise over $10,000 for a worthy cause. 

 A simple, yet impactful, way to make a positive change in our community. 



The concept is simple, 100 local women meet quarterly to each write a check for $100 that goes to the non-profit organization of the group’s choice. To welcome the next generation to philanthropy, any woman under the age of 35 pays $35. This combined donation of up to $10,000 makes a real impact without time-consuming fundraising events and planning.


Our goal is to help non-profits continue to make a positive difference in our local community.

We meet for one hour, four times a year, and write a check for $100.


  • Each nominated group will be given 5 minutes to make a presentation at the meeting. This presentation must be made by a current 100 WWC member.

  • By ballot, the group will vote, and the majority rules.  All checks will go to the charity that receives the most votes.  You must be an active member to cast a vote.

  • No national charities will be considered, however, local branches of national charities are eligible for consideration. Groups must have 501(c)3 non-profit status.  The purpose is for 100% of the contribution to stay in our local communities.

  • If are unable to attend a meeting, please make your check payable to the chosen non-profit organization, and mail it in after the meeting.you

  • Charities can re-submit their names for consideration, at the beginning of our new giving cycle.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed individuals can change the world. In fact, it’s the only thing that ever has”. - Margaret Mead